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Lilies and More


Send flowers to a friend or loved one, or treat yourself, with this beautiful arrangement of white lilies. It's a perfect addition to any occasion.

I Really Love You Arrangem..


Really, really, REALLY express yourself with the magnificent, fragrant splendor of three-dozen red roses! Beautifully arranged by a talented florist in an absolutely breathtaking display, this bountiful bouquet truly speaks volumes. Convey what words cannot say--send today!

Happy Day Bouquet


White, red, blue, purple and yellow blooms spring to life from this assortment of roses, lilies and daisies. It is a wonderful gift for someone special in your life.

Yellow Lily Basket


Cheery and colorful, this charming basket brims with vibrant yellow lilies. Express your warmest sentiments with these brilliantly beautiful blooms!

Pretty in Pink (2-dozen)


Tenderly convey the ultimate expression with the grand luxury and sheer opulence of two-dozen perfectly pink roses. Artistically arranged by a talented florist, this bouquet radiates true visual poetry. Why wait--send today!

Captivating Bouquet


A warm brown basket filled to the brim with pink, purple and blue roses and lilies is a heart-warming surprise for a cherished friend or loved one. This bounty of blooms will warm the heart and bring sparkle to their day.

Holiday Pizzazz Centerpiece


This beautiful centerpiece, brimming with colorful and aromatic flowers of blue, purple and white, surrounding the warm glow of a candle, is a wonderful gift for a truly cherished person in your life.

Chic & Unique Dish Arrange..


Poised and positively lovely! Make a unique statement with the breathtaking beauty of red and white flowers artistically arranged with a modern flair and chic style. Send today!

Spring Basket


Launch into spring with this festive array of fresh, vibrant and fragrant flowers. Delicate yet bold, these blooms will brighten the day of someone close to your heart.

Flowers-N-Frills Bouquet


Pink, purple and white daisies and roses burst from this arrangement, creating a symphony of beauty, color and fragrance. Order this cheerful yet elegant assortment for a cherished person in your life.

Summer Solstice Bouquet


This vibrant and fragrant assortment of bright yellow, purple and pink roses and carnations will bring smiles aplenty. Indulge someone special in your life with this blissfully beautiful bouquet of blooms.

Changing Colors Bouquet


A vibrant and colorful basket brimming with yellow, orange, peach, pink, cream, purple and blue lilies and roses, this arrangement is a loving and heart-felt gift for any occasion.

Pastel Wishes


Snuggle up in that favorite spot to a fresh bowl of luscious strawberries and cream for that perfect dessert is highlight of a summer day! Shimmering white and precious pink blossoms come together in unison as two soulmates in love. Take a minute to ponder on the good times in life and take that leap of faith to wallow in utter happiness!

Purple Tulips


Whisk someone away from the frenzy of everyday life with this lush, calm-inducing bouquet. Sassy tulips in a shade of amethyst are the jewel of the moment!

Tulip Sunburst


An eyeful of delight, these bright blooms, brimming with color, are the ideal gift for any occasion. Tulips in shade of bright yellow convey a message if cheerful times and a simple thought of affection.

Graceful Love


Stun her from head to tow with a flair of Graceful Love with an array of red romantic tulips to set the mood. Its time to live and let go with that special someone with no regrets.

Hello Sunshine


Wake up to the stunning presence of bright yellow tulips where they will say Hello Sunshine! Start the day out right with that special someone and shed a ray of light over their life with a little extra something.

Tulip Sunshine


Pamper someone special with this beauteous mix that will calm and uplift the spirit. Bright yellow is a symbol of happiness and joy! Bring them back to a moment of liveliness with tulips the color of sunshine.

Ultimate Highlights


Let the natural state of beauty and sensuality grace their presence in the most radiant way. Give them an unexpected gift of sunkissed yellow and lavish purple florals to set that special occasion right. A brush of spring colors is always a pleasant choice.

Highlights of Radiance


Let the natural state of beauty and sensuality grace their presence in the most radiant way. Give them an unexpected gift of sunkissed yellow and lavish purple florals to set that special occasion right. A brush of spring colors is always a pleasant choice.

Blushing Memories


Make that special moment never end with a shimmering bouquet of pink roses to symbolize the sensual side of life. Embrace their deepest wishes with just a simple token of mere affection!

Regal & Pure Roses


This regal collection of purely colored roses is a classic, yet stylish way to show how you feel.

Festive Fondness


Display your fondness with an arrangement that overflows with both color and cheer.

Simply Lovely


Bring them a touch of sensual bliss in their life and ignite that aromatic pleasure in the air. Fill the room with sweet wishes of unconditional love and passionate moments. Lift a bit of color of ravishing red and precious pink to set their spirits free!

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