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Smiles and Hugs Rose Bouquet


Add a bit of Sunshine Mornings to their life and start the day off right. A hand-picked garden array of luscious sunkissed yellow roses quanitfy that special occasion to its ultimate best! Shower them with happy smiles and sunny kisses for your slighest gesture of affections will sure to be appreciated in the most unexpected way.

Shining Star Bouquet


Charming, lovely, and absolutely precious, this bouquet of fresh flowers in pretty pastels radiates both style and harmony. A truly delightful birthday touch!

A Rainbow of Roses


A captivating kaleidoscope of color, this assortment of bright, multi-colored flowers brims with vibrant beauty and lively charm! Fresh and sweet smelling, these brilliant blooms will light up any room, making them a perfect birthday gift!

Happy Birthday with Love


Make this year's birthday more memorable than the rest with this captivatingly attractive bouquet. A big Happy Birthday with Love is the picture perfect ocassion meant to be shared with that special someone. Enjoy the moment as it will last forvever!

Blissful Petals


Majestic, memorable, and pulsing with dynamic color! This stunning and glowing bouquet expresses volumes of elated joy and breathtaking wonder. Stand out from the crowd into a fashion frenzy and charm them with bit of mystical purple and shimmering white fresh florals set a new trend!

A Bunch of Hugs and Kisses


Open your arms and heart wide for A Bunch of Hugs and Kisses. That�s perfect occasion is sure to highlight the essence of the moment. Glistening white and precious pink florals add a special little something to that special occasion or that delicate moment in need of sheer affection.

Its a Party of Pink


Its a Party of Pink! Hip Hip Hooray for that festive occasion for that special someone ready to celebrate. Keep them on the edge of their seat with a perfect little dainty arrangement that screams surprise! Party like there is no tomorrow and have the time of your life!

The Zen Garden of Pleasure


Enter The Zen Garden of Pleasure with a drift of the tropics. Exotic precious blooms thake them back to a time of ultimate relaxation as if on a secret island. Show them your genuine affection with a token of the tropics.

Victorian Rose


There is nothing more glamorous and charming than the rose itself, for it speaks so many words without thought. Dazzling pastels of peach, pink, and white symbolize gentility and femininity. A precious gift of love is never the wrong choice for a Victorian Rose says just that. Charm that loved one with a token of sheer affection for a simple thought is a gift in and of itself.

Gentle Embraces


Whispers those Gentle Embraces in that special someone's ear and wish upon a star in the land of affection and romance. Gentle pastels in the perfect hues of creamy white and precious pink highlight that oh so perfect moment where time stands still.

Two-Dozen Assorted Birthda..


Red, pink and white roses burst with vibrance and beauty among lush greenery. Indulge someone close to your heart, and send them warm and loving Birthday wishes, with this medley of color and fragrance!

Rainbow of Joy


A virtual kaleidoscope of color, this amazing array of vibrantly exotic, fresh flowers brims with tropical beauty and sweet island scents. Washed in warm sunset hues, these blooms make a wonderful gift for a lucky birthday person in your life!

Pastels of Light


Pastels of Light glisten in the sunshine as a shooting star in the night! Perfect petals in white and peach create a sense of peace and enchantment for any occasion. Show them your love in peaches and cream!

Palettes of Color


Inspire their creativity with an eye-catching medley of assorted fresh florals in the most vast array of colors from the palette of sensual pleasures. Deep hues of precious pink, lavish purple, and invigorating green awaken the senses to a whole new zen. Inhale the sweet scents of aromatic pleaures and experience that touch of sensual aromatherapy.

Weekend Getaway


It�s the perfect time for a Weekend Getaway! Vibrant deep hues of red and pink liven the moment like a last minute secret vacation away on an exotic tropical island. Live in the moment and enjoy every minute as if it was your last. Now is the time to live it up and have fun!

Exotic Floral Delicacy


Capture the peaceful serenity of an island in the sun with this exquisite assortment of exotic flowers! Vibrant and beautiful, these blooms exude the wonders of a tropical paradise, making them a truly unforgettable birthday gift!

Spiritual Awakening


Let a bit of shimmering white blossoms redefine the moment in utter peace and tranquility. Add a bit of Spiritual Awakening to that special occasion and set their spirits free. There is nothing more profound than true friendships and peace above. Be that bit of inspiration in their life with a glimpse of natural beauty.

Secret Love Letter


Artistic, animated, and pulsing with color!

Rise and Shine Tulip Bouquet


Vibrant and beautiful, this exquisite bouquet overflows with 20 cheerful, yellow tulips! What a bright and joyful way to bring the glory of nature to a special someone's birthday!

True Love Arrives


Breathtaking blooms of white, yellow and light pink spring to life, capturing nature's glory and beauty. Fresh and sweet smelling, these flowers will illuminate any room, making them a special and vibrant birthday gift!

Blooms of Paradise


Bright with color and luminous beauty, this breathtaking birthday bouquet of tulips truly adds a lovely touch of fresh air to the room. Express yourself with the most wonderful gift�send flowers today!

Pail of Sweetness


Richly radiant and vibrantly colorful, this artistic arrangement is brimming with fresh, fragrant flowers. What a wonderful, sweet smelling and special birthday gift!

The Gift of Affections


What a wonderful sentiment for that special someone! The gift of sensual aromas has arrived in style and radiance! Charm them from head to toe in bold hues of dazzling pink andf mystical purple. Your deepest affections are sure to be rewarded.

Razzle Dazzle


Razzle Dazzle that special someone with a brush of deep red and shimmering white blossoms that speak louder than words can express. Dazlling bold beauty are the themes of the day for love and romance are the heart of life. Spend that special occasion with that cherished someone that truly adored you.

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