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Bold, rich hues brim with beauty and vibrance from this array of fresh flowers. Captivating and charming, these blooms radiate breathtaking appeal and sweet floral fragrance, making them a truly splendid thank you gift!

Lazy Daisy Bouquet


Relish those lazy days of summer with this bright and cheerful array of yellow and white daisies. Peppy and pretty, these felicitous flowers exude charm and beauty, making them a joyful and smile-inducing thank you gift!

Her Name was Daisy


Invigorate the spirit with these elegant and captivating flowers. Radiate the joy of pure beauty!

Floral Festival Basket


A lush and vibrant assortment of bright roses and daisies, this arrangement is a symphony of color and fragrance. This bouquet would make a wonderful treat for anyone special in your life.

Leaves and Petals Basket


This assortment of enchantingly beautiful lilies will let a friend or loved one know they are on your mind. Pink, purple and red blooms bring joy- send flowers!

Bright Blossoms


So precious and pretty, these pink and purple blossoms touch the soul and uplift the spirit with elated joy. What a perfectly lovely bouquet--send flowers today!

Wildflower Bouquet


Capture the fresh air of a country meadow with this wondrous bouquet! Delightful and invigorating, these lovely wildflowers truly touch the soul. Send today!

Victorian Charm


Simply breathtaking! The allure and fresh fragrance of this beautiful arrangement flatters as much as it entices. Bestow the most glorious gift of all--send flowers today!

Bright Smiles


Just darling! Serve a steaming cup of pure joy and delighted glee with this charming bouquet plumb full of beautiful mixed blossoms. Don't delay--send flowers today

Chasing Beauty


Delicate hues of pink and lavender gently radiate subtle vibrance yet brilliant beauty. Fresh and fragrant, this assortment of roses and other springtime flowers makes a truly special and breathtaking gift of thanks and appreciation for a deserving friend or loved one!

A Day in the Park


Dazzling blooms of yellow, pink and white burst with color and vivacity from this bouquet of springtime flowers! Fresh and fragrant, this arrangement is an idyllic token of your thanks and appreciation!

Blooms of Spring


Tranquil, pure, and freshly exquisite, this sparkling bouquet radiates becoming beauty, refined grace, and magical splendor.

Essence of Vibrance


Warm and vibrant, this brilliant bouquet of pink, purple, red and white flowers brims with natural beauty and sweet floral scents. These beautiful blooms are the perfect way to express your affection!

Pink Flirt


A vivid vision of the warmest wishes, brought to life as fragrant, fresh bouquet!

Daisy Surprise


Blooming with exquisite contrast and vitality, this lovely florist arrangement of innocent daisies and becoming roses emits a most poignant, tender message of sincere sentiment. Express yourself fully--send flowers today!

Assorted Daisies


A glorious homage to the pretty power of daisies! Ravishing and resplendent with vibrant hues and bountiful blossoms, this bouquet is sure to delight all who lay eyes upon its splendid glory. Send today!

Brightness Bouquet


Warm, brilliant, and bursting with color! Brighten their world with sheer delight and touching elegance in this absolutely beautiful rainbow bouquet. Share the joy--have a talented florist deliver today!

Daisies & Roses


Evoke feelings of endearing emotion and heartfelt sentiment with this breathtaking bouquet! Full of precious roses and sweet daisies, this arrangement of fresh flowers truly speaks volumes of gratitude.

Assorted Sunshine Gerbers


Make the room glow with color and luminous beauty! This breathtaking bouquet of assorted daisies truly radiates fresh air and energy�a most marvelous thank-you gift!

Simple Surprise


Delight in the wonderful beauty of a dozen pink daisies artistically arranged in a tranquil glass vase. Express your dear sentiment and appreciation�order today!

Medley of Thank You Blooms..


Express your affection and adoration with a medley of pretty flowers in a vase and a sweet cuddly stuffed bear! So heartwarming and delightful�just the perfect way to say thank you!

Country Charm Basket w/ Bear


Capture the very essence of spring in the country with fresh flowers accompanied by an adorable cuddly bear. Just the perfect amount of sincere gratitude and joy�order today!

Thank You Spring Flowers G..


Felicitous floral hues abound in this vibrant and colorful arrangement of assorted fresh flowers. This brilliant and bright arrangement makes for a wonderful thank you gift!

Mixed Flora Thank You Cent..


Express your warmest sentiments or adorn your own table with this elegant and vibrant centerpiece, brimming with an assortment of fresh, colorful flowers. A truly wonderful way to express your warmest thanks and appreciation.

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