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On The Dancefloor


A vivid vision of the warmest wishes, brought to life as fragrant, fresh bouquet!

A Loving Touch


Add A Feminine Touch to that special occasion for an array of luscious pinks and ravishing red blossoms light up the room in pure amazement! Highlight that delicate moment with a gift of sheer affection for that special warm touch is always the right choice.

Birthday Party Bouquet


Yellow, white and pink daisies are the perfect way to wish a special someone Happy Birthday. Send flowers today to a lucky birthday boy or girl.

Assorted Sunshine Gerbers


Make the room glow with color and luminous beauty! This breathtaking bouquet of assorted daisies truly radiates fresh air and energy�a most marvelous birthday gift!

Colorful Greetings


A kaleidoscope of color, this charming basket is filled to the brim with pink, purple, blue, red and yellow roses. Fragrant and resplendent, this arrangement will make anyone's Birthday a little brighter!

Assorted Bloom


Jump for Joy for there is Love in Bloom! Charm them with astonishment when these unexpected kaleidoscope of velvety luscious roses arrive on their doorstep. Picture perfect is what they will say! Luminous roses are always right for any occasion!

3-Dozen Birthday Roses


What a classic expression of affection! The simplicity of red roses is the perfect way of expressing everlasting love. Wish a special someone a Happy Birthday with three-dozen, decadently blissful blooms.

Playing in the Garden


Free you mind and forget your troubles when this array of garden plants with a touch of colorful blooms enters your life on pure surprise! Its time to shine because inside every adult is child caught Playing in the Garden.

Purity Bouquet


Perfectly pure, poised, and breathtakingly pretty! Express elated joy, touching beauty, and delicate sentiment with this bouquet artfully arranged by a professional florist. Lift their spirits--send today!

Colorful Bounty


Praise the loveliness of purple and lavender flowers with this lovely and enchanting bouquet. Brighten their world with joy and flattery--send today!

You Are in My Heart


The smiles are unavoidable with this adorable, show-stopping arrangement.

Best Year Basket


Glowing with warm vitality and exquisite charm, this basket of citrus-colored blossoms are offset in a most becoming fashion with vibrant accents beautifully arranged by an artistic florist. Express yourself--send this delightful bouquet today!

Basket of Stars


This vibrant assortment of mixed flowers is a heart-felt and heart-warming way to wish a special someone a Happy Birthday. This arrangement is sure to make their special day even brighter.

Brimming Softness


Declare your sentiment with tender wonder! Arranged with fresh flowers in an artistic display, this wonderful birthday bouquet truly speaks straight from the soul.

French Country Bouquet


This bountiful bouquet, infused with the charm of the French countryside, boasts a captivating collection of fragrant flowers. What an elegantly rustic and thoughtful birthday gift!

One Dozen Red & White Roses


Vividly vivacious and velvety, this arrangement of six red and six white ravishing roses nestled in gorgeous greens and beautiful baby's breath makes this medley a true expression of love on a special someone's birthday.

Dazzling Birthday


Fresh flowers, roses and daisies are sure to dazzle in delightful lemon yellow and pretty pink tones! Complimented by a cheerful mylar birthday balloon, there's no better way to surprise someone on their special day.

Deal of the Day


Leave it to our experienced florist designers to arrange the perfect gift with the freshest and most beautiful flowers available.

Pink Spring Basket


Like Springtime itself, this basket of pink and white flowers is a welcomed breath of fresh air. Pamper a lucky birthday boy or girl with these blissfully beautiful blooms.

Colorburst Birthday Arrang..


Vibrance and fragrance abound in this festive assortment of latex Mylar balloons and flowers. Send the Colorburst Arrangement to someone you love and tickle them pink�and purple...and�

Perfect Little Birthday Ga..


A beautiful, fresh plant arrangement with accents of flowers, this piece makes for a colorful and vibrant slice of Nature and a wonderful way to say Happy Birthday!

My Fairy Princess


My Fairy Princess is what they will say when the unexpected arrival of this enchanted basket of pink blooming plants arrives at their doorstep. That special someone is sure to receive the surprise of a lifetime.

Classic Everyday Arrangement


A stunning medley of vibrantly colorful, fresh blooms springs to life from this luminous assortment! Sweet smelling and beautiful, these flowers make for a charmingly bright and vivaciously cheerful gift for a beloved birthday boy or girl!

Rejuvenating Greens


Rejuvenate the senses with the restorative properties of these blooming greens. A perfect addition to any occasion! Give that special someone a little pick-me up in a time of need. Let the inspiration of nature cleanse their soul for a new beginning in their life. Purity and cleanse are the themes of the day!

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